Want Another 80+ “Speed Drills” To Leapfrog Your Competition in Jiu Jitsu?
Your 10 Drills Instructional is winging its way to your inbox as we speak. It should arrive within 5 minutes.
Before you go to your inbox, I want to talk to you about something important… the fastest way to improve your (or your student’s) Jiu Jitsu.
One of the things I learned on my journey from white belt to black belt world champion is the real difference between skill levels.
In my time, I’ve seen blue belts dominate black belts in competition, and fighters with 18 months experience make seasoned pros look like amateurs.
And it’s got nothing to do with their technical knowledge.
The real difference between skill levels is the ability to recognise an opportunity and then capitalise on it instantly.
This speed of recognition is the reason a blue belt can submit a black belt.
The cool thing is regardless of your age, athleticism or experience, if you increase your speed of recognition, you increase your performance on the mats.
Thankfully, there is a way you can short cut the learning process.
How do I know?
Well, when I first started Jiu Jitsu I spent the majority of my time sparring, and I got pretty good. But I alway struggled when I competed against elite level BJJ players.
My timing would be off, they’d always seem to be one step ahead of me, and those gold medals slipped through my fingers.
Then I stumbled on a secret weapon that skyrocketed my skill level… I discovered speed drilling.
This type of drilling isn’t just about going through the motions of performing a technique. It’s fast paced, high volume drilling that turbo-charges your cardio and your speed of recognition.
It’s drilling like this that Jiu Jitsu legends like Andre Galvao, the Mendes Brothers, and Cobrinha agree makes killers.
To help you get started and accelerate your development, I’ve created the Art of Speed Drilling instructional.
In this two part instructional, you’ll get access to over 80 of my favourite speed drills for passing and playing guard.
These are the same drills I used when I was training for world championships or to compete in the ADCC. And the same drills I’ve taught to my students to help them dominate on the competition mats.
Practising these drills can rapidly increase your skill development and have your opponents wondering “what just happened?” the next time you train.
And you can get them at a fraction of the regular price.
I’ve seen instructional’s with far less content sell for $77 – $97 and upwards. However, you won’t have to pay anything near that as I want to help you improve your BJJ.
Plus, I have a not-so-secret motive.
I want you to use these drills, get the benefits, then (hopefully) come back and buy my other products and join our membership site, where I give you all the other resources to accelerate your BJJ.
(I’m talking game plan development, BJJ systems, match breakdowns, and a whole lot more. But I’ll save talking about that for another time.)
So all you’ll have to invest to get the Art Of Speed Drilling is a measly…
That’s about $9 for my U.S. friends, or an absolute steal no matter what currency your use. That’s a crazy price for the amount of information you’re getting and the impact it could have on your skills.
On top of that, I’m going to include a copy of my ebook ‘Performance Drilling’ that’s been used by over 5000 BJJ players around the globe to improve their skills.
This ebook will help you structure of your drilling sessions for maximum impact.
All you need to do is click the button below, complete your order, and get access to the instructional immediately.
Within just a couple of drilling sessions you could see a serious increase in your skills. If you don’t get any value from it, let me know, and I’ll give you a full refund.
Just do me a favour, watch the instructional, and try out the drills before you make any decision.
Here’s some feedback from BJJ players who’ve already used this training:
“The transitional movements using the drilling combinations are a real eye opener. Very useful…” – Eric C.
“In only a month of using the techniques I’ve seen serious improvement” – Michael C.
“I highly recommend these drills to anyone serious about taking their Jiu Jitsu to a new level.” – James N.
Click the button below now to get the Art Of Speed Drilling and level up your speed of recognition now…