How many times have you been happily passing away only to have someone jump on one of your legs and try to rip it? My guess is probably a lot.
Since around 2015 and the rise of people like Eddie Cummings and the rest of the DDS, leg locking has become a staple of the modern game.
In fact, the leg lock game became so powerful, a lot of people got scared of passing. I even heard some crazy folks talking about passing being DEAD!
Obviously, passing isn’t dead, but it is essential you understand how to hide your legs or it might be the death of you.
Hiding your legs is actually pretty simple. All you need to do is make sure you knee and ankle stay on opposite sides of your partners leg (or hook).
This is something I discussed during the Cradle Masterclass, and as it’s much easier to understand visually then in writing and check out the clip below now:
If you want to improve your passing and learn a simple by highly effective guard passing system, click the button below and check out the No Gi Cradle Masterclass: