Take a look inside the Beginners’ BJJ Intensive and discover exactly what’s included.
To learn more about how the BJJ Beginners’ Intensive will help your academy click the button below:
escapologists welcome.
Take a look inside the Beginners’ BJJ Intensive and discover exactly what’s included.
To learn more about how the BJJ Beginners’ Intensive will help your academy click the button below:
One of the most common questions we’ve been asked about the Beginners’ BJJ Intensive goes something like:
“How does the Beginners’ BJJ Intensive work?”
That’s a really important question because, on the face of it, it might seem crazy that you can get a beginner into your main classes and able to learn after as little as three hours of teaching.
However, it is totally possible because the course follows a specific layered structure that continually reinforces the previous lessons and concepts.
Rather than try and explain the structure, check out this short video in which we share some of the secret sauce behind the beginners intensive.
To learn more about how the BJJ Beginners’ Intensive will help your academy click the button below:
Join Tom for a solo drilling session. Make sure you have a training dummy or pillow, and some water.
Live session starts at 10 am on Sunday 7th February 2020.
The Super Solo Training Programme will show you have an awesome Jiu Jitsu session, like the one above any time you like. It includes:
Click the button below to get the Super Solo Training Programme now:
I remember looking at our class attendance for the coming week and just feeling dejected. Sounds weird to say that you feel dejected because every class was almost 100% full, but it’s the truth.
We had a tonne of people wanting to start BJJ and no way to get them going.
As moving to a mega facility and as was running a full beginners programme were out of the question, so Chels and I decided to try short, intensive course.
The results were staggering… check out the video to see what happened and why a beginners’ intensive might be the answer to your prayers:
To learn more about how the BJJ Beginners’ Intensive will help your academy click the button below:
Join Tom for a solo drilling session. Make sure you have a training dummy or pillow, and some water.
Live session starts at 10 am on Sunday 31st January 2020.
Warm Up (1 min per drill)
Work (1 min per drill)
Finisher (5 min as many times as possible)
Drop Step – Double Leg – Sit Through – Guard Recovery – Inversion – Technical Stand Up – One Arm Leg Drag – Windshield Wiper – Knee On Belly Switch – Top Spin – Arm Bar
The Super Solo Training Programme will show you have an awesome Jiu Jitsu session, like the one above any time you like. It includes:
Click the button below to get the Super Solo Training Programme now: