Have you ever rolled with someone who seems to have a tractor-beam-like attachment to you? No matter what you do, you can’t keep their weight off you, and it feels like you’re slowly drowning in concrete.
Braulio basically does this to me every time we roll, and I can assure you it’s a terrible feeling. By feeling it so many times (and asking him), the concept behind how to become a human tractor beam is pretty simple and can be used by anyone.
I call it the Ladder concept and want to share it with you now.
A lot of people think about passing (or any technique) as a single technique, but it’s not. A better way to think about passing is that you have to win a series of small battles.
Each battle is a rung on the ladder that finally gets you to your goal.
If your opponent prevents you from climbing to the next rung of the ladder, you stay there until you break through their defences. And if they break from one of your attacks, you only want to fall one rung of the ladder rather than to the bottom.
To illustrate the ladder concept, I want to share a short clip from the Cradle Masterclass where I talked about this concept. Check out the video below to watch it now:
If you want to improve your passing and learn a simple by highly effective guard passing system, click the button below and check out the No Gi Cradle Masterclass: