There is no worse feeling in BJJ than that second before you know your guard is about to get passed, and knowing there’s nothing you can do about it.
You’re trapped, twisting, and hanging on for dear life then and bam—your guard’s passed like a hot knife through butter.
But imagine stopping those pesky guard passes dead in their tracks. Better yet, picture turning the tables using their attacks to take their back.
Sounds like a dream, huh? Well, it’s totally doable.
Enter the Underhook De La Riva guard.
Unlike the regular De La Riva, it almost completely shuts down your partner’s passing options. They’re left with a series of bad choices that lead to their backs getting taken or a submission.
It’s the secret sauce to defending like a champ and flipping to offence in the blink of an eye.
And you can learn it all at our next Masterclass on Saturday 29th June at 12:30PM…

During the Underhook De La Riva masterclass, Escapology BJJ head instructor Tom Barlow will be teaching the key controls, sweeps, and submissions, that will make your guard a web of destruction.
Best of all, you can “Pay What You Want” to attend the seminar. Want to invest £100? Awesome! Only have £1? No worries? It’s entirely up to you. Just change the amount before you complete your registration. All entry fees will go towards the creation of Escapology 2.0.
To register your space, click the link below now.
(White Gis only. Only 30 spaces available.)